Special Events
We all love a good sale, so walking past your favorites store in noticing they have their yearly big sale event it’s one of the most exciting news for a shopper. One of the first thing I notice with the special event display the background of the letters is red very clear to see and the signage is up front of the store and every department that has clearance has a clear the rack sales. I notice the displays of clearance merchandise is placed at specific location right on the window, right in the front door and on the ceiling as banner displays right where the clearances are located. The signage is advertising additional twenty five percent off red tag clearance plus blue tags which include all clearance products. The sales signage automatically attracts customers with the bright red they use in the signage. The signage color is primary color red background and a small circle of blue, the letters font is big which makes it more obvious and easier for customers to read it. The sales merchandises are display right up front and the store have signage everywhere there are clearance items including end caps signage and display. The merchandise display for clearance is usually facing to the window as well including the racks and rounders signage with the red background on it. The sales promote quarter sales, and yearly sales with inventory adjustment or to remove old products to add new products.
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