Proper Selection For Mannequin

When you think of specialty boutique style store you think of small variety of goods that are sold with limited types of products rare and fascinating. Have you ever spent time to observe their mannequins? How well put together they are to showcase the products and the rareness of the products. Specialty boutique style store usually use mannequin types by functionality to display their products which makes it easier for their customers to shop right off the mannequin and it’s adjustable to all kind of products.  Next time you visit a special boutique store take time to observe their mannequins to display their products whether it’s a form dress form tailored mannequins or dummies that can be adjusted for their women window display or kids display even further take time to analyze the heavy-duty canvases. Next time you are walking past those beautiful specialty boutique store downtown takes a moment and observe it.

Now take a minute and let’s observe a department store, their products come in large quantities and a wide variety and they’re usually affordable and welcome to all customers. Department store always try to reflect to their consumers wants and needs including how they showcase their products and the type of display they use to showcase their products. They tend to go with mannequins that can attribute with their prices, size, and very inclusive. Check out the merchant store when you’re shopping for back to school do you notice the inclusivity whether it’s the section that has the kids clothing with the mannequins showcasing each department whether it’s by size and décor of the moment. They tend to use Mannequin style by the audience and that are realistic mannequins which have a variety of representation plus size mannequin, children mannequin, teen mannequin pregnant mannequin etc.…


Merchant store on the other hands focus is not so much on how they display the products on a mannequin but mostly the price of products, the promotion, and the offer they can provide the customers. Merchant store tends to use other forms of display such as shelves and tables because their products come in a large amount and have different products to showcase. Their mannequins are usually headless mannequins crafted to showcase different shapes, sizes, poses and colors

Mannequin Mall. (n.d.). The 18 styles & types of mannequins for your store. Mannequin Mall. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from


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