Store Fixture & Visual Merchandising

Can you imagine having a store without fixture display?

I think it would be uneasy to shop in a store without fixture display. Sometimes we walk in stores with the intention of just looking to see what they have in, and we end up spending thousands of dollars due to the display that attract our interest from the window. The mannequin display, the window display, and the glass fixture right when you walk in is sometimes the main attraction of the store. Walking around the store and look on the products on the shelves whether it’s your favorite beauty line display with the price point and their season products, you walk right next to it to see what other products they have that you might be interested in. Well, that’s the effect of store fixtures it enhances the products the boutique or store carries. The fixture in the store and the organization of it speaks volume on the store sales and focus, if the store displays their jewelry in a glass showcase fixture, most likely you’re eager to see what’s inside the showcase, the price point, or the value of it. The main attraction of a store is how it’s organized if it’s clean and clutter free. If you walk in a store where all the patterns are mixed in or just laying on a table and not on a nice fixture categorized and hanging by price point or brand name most likely you can’t envision yourself wearing it or buying it as a gift and if it’s just a hash in products most likely you’re not interested to search through it because automatically you feel overwhelmed. Walking in a store where they have feature fixture, products hanging in hangers by label size or department most likely you’ll start touching and see if they carry your size. Display such as mannequin, window display, slatwall fixtures, hanging products, showcase products get more attention and attract more customers in. It’s best for a store or boutique to invest and fixtures to showcase the products because it brings out revenue, give the business a reputation of clean and clutter free and shoppable.

Retail showroom - youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2022, from

Store fixtures / pop displays " Komponents Laminated Products, inc.. Komponents Laminated Products, Inc. (2017, August 14). Retrieved September 11, 2022, from




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